Calling all kids!


Chicken nuggets and destruction.

Parents, does that sound like your life?

Know that the FBC Kids Ministry is behind you 100% of the way! We want to partner with you as you raise your tiny disciples, whether you have a newborn, 5th grader, or a little bit of both. Our church and staff is here for you!

Links to Sign Up for Various FBCKids Events:

Parents Resources/Quick Links


Stay Connected with FBCKIDS

Childcare Options for Sunday Mornings:

9a Worship Gathering Hour
  • Birth to Pre-K Childcare Available (Children’s Building)
  • Kindergarten to 5th grade in family worship in sanctuary or gym
10a Sunday Small Groups for all Children (Children’s Building)
11a Worship Gathering Hour
  • Birth to Pre-K Childcare Available (Children’s Building/extended hour)
  • Kids’ Worship for Kindergarten and 1st Grade (Children’s Building)
  • 2nd to 5th grade in family worship in sanctuary