February 2019 Witness
Posted on Feb 1, 2019 by admin in General | 1301
I’m presently preaching through a series called WHEN BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOD’S PEOPLE, and last Sunday I shared that Persian rugs are woven in an unusual way. The fabric is stretched over a large, vertical rack. The master weaver stands on one side and his helpers, who do the actual weaving, stand on the other. The master weaver, as the artist, gives directions to his helpers on the other side, who pull the woolen yarn through without realizing what they are creating. Only at the end of the day do they get to walk over to the finished side and see the masterpiece that they have helped create. How much the weaving of that rug is like life for us as believers. There are times in our lives when we don’t understand what God is weaving into our lives – when God doesn’t make sense to us – but He sees the finished side that we can’t see, yet. B. M. Franklin wrote “The Tapestry Poem” to remind us of that. My life is but a weaving Not ’til the loom is silent Between my God and me. And the shuttles cease to fly I cannot choose the colors Will God unroll the canvas He weaveth steadily. And reveal the reason why. Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow; The dark threads are as needful And I in foolish pride In the weaver’s skillful hand Forget He sees the upper As the threads of gold and silver And I the underside. In the pattern He has planned. We had a good month in January with 365 in Bible Study. February and early March are filled with some great opportunities:
- The A. RACER DERBY is scheduled to take place on Sunday, February 3rd, in our C.F.L.C. Weigh-in begins at 1:30 P.M. with the races beginning at 2:00. Thanks to David Bloxham and his crew!
- UPWARD BASKETBALL & CHEERLEADING continues with games on Fridays and Saturdays during the month of February with their Celebration Banquet on Sunday evening, February 24th, at 6:30 in our C.F.L.C. Thanks to Chuck & Kim Bankston & all those who make Upward happen here at FBC!
- A ministry of our church is being “renewed” through the efforts of Becky Patterson. Becky will be leading “GRIEF SHARE,” a weekly class beginning on Sunday evening, February 3rd, at 5:30 in Room D-207 (C.F.L.C.).
- Kim Wall and our Fund-raising Team are working tirelessly on our capital campaign called “GENERATIONS FOLLOWING” that will kick off on the first Sunday in March!
- Our Young Adult Ministry will host “THE CANOPY” once again in February on Thursday evening, the 28th, at 7:00 P.M. Thanks to Honey Teal and all who make this event a blessing to our church and community!
- Our BIBLE EMPHASIS WEEKEND will take place on Saturday, March 2, 2019. Our special guest speaker for the event is Andy Cook, founder of a unique ministry called “Experience Israel Now.” Andy leads trips to the Holy Land, but he also brings the Land of the Bible home to us in his video presentations through history, geography and archeology. It will be a Saturday you won’t forget!
January 2019 Witness
Posted on Dec 31, 2018 by admin in General | 1353
- Russ Jenkins will be teaching two of our Foundations Classes in January. DISCOVERY 201: Committed to Maturity will be taught from 6:30-8:30 on Wednesday evening, January 9th. DISCOVERY 301: Committed to Ministry will be taught from 6:30-8:30 on Wednesday night, January 16th. Discovery 301 will help you discover your spiritual gift(s)
- The 23rd ANNUAL BARNESVILLE GAME & FISH BANQUET is scheduled for Thursday evening, January 24th. Our speaker for this year’s banquet is Kyle Woodfin, Director of Legacy Outdoor Ministries in Hawkinsville, Georgia. Kyle will share with us “How to Be a Real Hunter.”