Easter Weekend 2025

Four Worship Gatherings
Our church family and leadership have been praying and expecting that God will transform lives in incredible ways this Easter Weekend at FBC Barnesville! We are offering FOUR worship gatherings over two days to ensure you and your family have a place in our sanctuary to encounter and worship the Risen Savior this Easter Weekend.
Saturday, April 19 | 5p
Sunday, April 20 | 8a, 9:30a, + 11a
200 Zebulon St.
Barnesville, GA 30204
Easter worship will take place in our sanctuary (the building with the traditional steeple). You may park in any of the parking lots surrounding our church campus. Our parking team will be present to help you find a great spot, no matter which lot you choose! Golf carts are available for those who need assistance transitioning to and from their vehicle.
Family Photos
As many families will be throughout our main building on Easter Sunday, we invite you to start your morning in the gym with photos and breakfast before making your way to the sanctuary for worship. A staged photo area will be located in the gym to make getting the perfect family Easter photo a breeze this year! The photo area will be available Saturday and Sunday. Light breakfast items will also be available in the gym in-between Sunday morning gatherings. Children can be checked in to FBCKids as you transition from the gym to the sanctuary for worship
FBCKids Environments
We love having kids of all ages experience worship in the sanctuary with their family! FBCKids will also offer special Bible-centered, God-focused learning environments for birth-1st grade for all four Easter gatherings.