Dec '18

January 2019 Witness
Dec '18

An unknown poet wrote a poem that can be of comfort to us as we approach the new year:
He came to my desk, with a quivering lip
I went to the throne with a trembling heart The lesson was done
The year was done.
Have you a new leaf for me, teacher,
Have you a new year for me, Father, I have spoiled this one
I have spoiled this one.
I took his leaf, all soiled and blotted
He took my year, all soiled and blotted
And gave him a new one, all unspotted.
And gave me a new one, all unspotted
Then into his tired heart I smiled
And into my tired heart He smiled, “Do better now, my child.”
“Do better now, my child.”
We had a good month in December with an average attendance of 349 in Bible Study. I always enjoy being part of our SUNDAY SCHOOL STAFF CHRISTMAS BANQUET. Russ and his Sunday School officers did a great job! Our Christmas musical, WONDERFUL LOVE, was wonderful on Saturday and Sunday, December 15th and 16th. Thanks to Greg and all our musicians for helping us get into the spirit of the season! And we tried something different this year for our CHRISTMAS FAMILY LORD’S SUPPER. We did it on Sunday morning, December 23rd, hoping more families could participate with us. Our LOTTIE MOON CHRISTMAS OFFERING FOR INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS goal this year is $27,000. We enjoyed Tim and Charlotte Cearley, former International Mission Board missionaries to Africa and now serving in community ministries at First Baptist Church of Montgomery, Alabama, being our guest speakers on December 2nd. Please continue to pray and give so that we might meet this worthy offering. Our Personnel Team will be gearing up again in our search for a CHILDREN’S MINISTER in the month of January. Please keep them in your prayers as we seek to find God’s person for this important position. We are planning some KEY DONOR MEETINGS as we begin the new year to prepare for our “GENERATIONS FOLLOWING” capital fund-raising campaign for our new Student/ Young Adult Building. Please be in prayer for Kim Wall and Fund-raising Team as they get ready to kick off the campaign. January has, among other things, some great opportunities:
- Russ Jenkins will be teaching two of our Foundations Classes in January. DISCOVERY 201: Committed to Maturity will be taught from 6:30-8:30 on Wednesday evening, January 9th. DISCOVERY 301: Committed to Ministry will be taught from 6:30-8:30 on Wednesday night, January 16th. Discovery 301 will help you discover your spiritual gift(s)
- The 23rd ANNUAL BARNESVILLE GAME & FISH BANQUET is scheduled for Thursday evening, January 24th. Our speaker for this year’s banquet is Kyle Woodfin, Director of Legacy Outdoor Ministries in Hawkinsville, Georgia. Kyle will share with us “How to Be a Real Hunter.”
We look forward to a great month in January. We hope you have a blessed New Year! I Love You, Garth