November 2018 Witness

A sculptor had ruined a huge piece of beautiful Carrara marble. It was left in the courtyard of the cathedral in Florence, Italy, for almost a hundred years. Artisans thought it was beyond repair, but in 1505, a young sculptor by the name of Michelangelo was asked if he thought anything could be done with “The Giant” as it had come to be called. Michelangelo measured the block and carefully noted the imperfections caused by the bungling workman of an earlier day. To his mind came the image of the young shepherd boy David. So he carefully made a sketch of that biblical character as he envisioned him.   For 3 years he worked steadily, his chisel skillfully shaping the marble. Finally, when one of his students was allowed to view the towering figure, 18 feet high and weighing 9 tons, he exclaimed, “Master, it lacks only one thing, and that is speech!” Michelangelo salvaged that gigantic, beautiful piece of Carrara marble. The word “salvation” means “to salvage.” To salvage something is to rescue what was intended for the garbage heap. God salvaged us when He saved us through the precious blood of Jesus Christ.  God rescued us and has made something worthwhile and beautiful out of our lives. We had a good month in October with an average attendance of 336 in Bible Study.   The kick-off for Operation Christmas Child went well on Sunday evening, October 14th. The Canopy took place on October 25th.  God is blessing this growing women’s worship event. Thanks to the Children’s Ministry Team members who worked so hard to put together “Trunk or Treat” on October 28th. On Sunday, September 30th, our church voted without opposition to build our STUDENT/YOUNG ADULT BUILDING. We have hired Mark Brooks, a consultant from a company called Generis, to help Kim Wall and our Fund-raising Team as we prepare for our campaign beginning early winter, 2019. A special thanks to Chairperson Steven Bacon and our Student Building Leadership Team for all of their hard work throughout this special project. Our Personnel Team has also made good progress in our search for a CHILDREN’S MINISTER.  We have narrowed down our search to two fine candidates and will be bringing one of them before our Children’s Ministry Team, our Deacons and ultimately our entire church family soon. November has, among other things, some great evening opportunities:

  • OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Shoebox Collection Week is October 11th through the 19th. Thanks to Nancy Cloudt for leading this ministry of providing the greatest gift of all, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to children all around the world!
  • The Schedule for our 2019 BUDGET PRESENTATION AND APPROVAL will be: Budget Presentation to Deacons at 7:30 on November 11th. Budget Discussion with Congregation at 6:30 on Sunday, November 25th. Budget Vote without Discussion at all three morning services on Sunday, December 2nd.
  • Our COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE takes place on Wednesday evening, November 21st at 6:30 at Barnesville First United Methodist Church.
We look forward to a great month in November. COME EXPECTANTLY! I Love You, Garth
